October 15, 2008

Enya - Caribbean Blue

...Afer Ventus...
...so the world goes round and round
with all you ever knew --
They say the sky high above
is Caribbean blue...

...if every man says all he can,
if every man is true,
do I believe the sky above
is Caribbean blue...


...if all you told was turned to gold
if all you dreamed were new,
imagine sky high above
in Caribbean blue...

Afer Ventus...

* from wikipedia

Anemoi (in Greek, Άνεμοι — "winds") were wind gods
Boreas was the north wind and bringer of cold winter air
was the south wind and bringer of the storms of late summer and autumn
Zephyrus was the west wind and bringer of light spring and early summer breezes
Eurus, the east wind
Livas, was the Greek deity of the southwest wind, often depicted holding the stern of a ship. His Roman equivalent was Afer ventus ("African wind"), or Africus, due to Africa being to the southwest of Italy


  1. sikda kes la dayung...lum ada CSI kes gik :P...lagu enya jak..cuba ko nangga di fav video ku sia..i like..

  2. Ney? ney? sik paham gilak ku siEnya tok. ada unsur2 exotic sikit.

  3. aku pun sik pernah paham lagu nya, tp aku suka dgr..so relaxing..tat's y la aku wikipedia-kan..apa benda la eurus..afer ventus..kesian..english vocab ku terlalu limited..huhu

  4. Hahaha. Try again. Tapi Enya soundtrack dlm LOTR ok bah, haunting jak bunyinya.
