February 11, 2009

My Restaurant 2009

I found the right ceasar salad!

Not that far; it's in Samajaya, a place called My Restaurant, you can spot it from the roundabout.

This restaurant specialised in pork; macam-macam jenis masakan disediakan...

Inilah kedai makan nyer.
Jum masuk ke dalam.
Here's what we ordered:

Watermelon Juice - RM5.50
This is the ceasar salad - RM20.00, served with bacon and baked chicken. It's fresh, crispy, cheesy..just the way i want it to be!
And this is the Char Pork Rib - RM38.00,
served with smoked sauce, bacon, baked patato and coleslaw.

Ini pula ialah budak nakal,
kita nak ambil gambar dia, dia pun sibuk nak ambil gambar kita.

Memang sedap lah, kalau dapat hari-hari nak makan kat sini.


  1. Hari hari makan sana...buli bankrap bah... :-P

  2. Ayam tu hmacam aku punya stail saja masak?

  3. Gallivanter : sebab tu la takleh makan slalu.

    Willie : You can cook like tat? wah..hebat la.

    Corn : You are back!.

  4. Tapi this place only open certain times jak. Sekejap for lunch, then closed. sekejap for dinner, then closed. ya lah evertime aku nak main lantak, mesti tutup. ngang juak. tapi sik halal ooo

  5. One other : auk nang nya gia, open for lunch - tutup - open for dinner.
    Monday tutup. And nang tulen² sik halal lah.
