February 25, 2009

Playroom Pt.1

I want to convert this area into playroom / play corner for my kids.

1st I'm gonna change the curtain, looking for something brighter.

Then I’ll need these..

for the toys :

and for the books :

Sekarang amat lah tertarik dengan perabot warna putih, kat mane nak cari?

How I wish Kuching ada sebijik Ikea..pasti hidup lebih ceria.

Plus, eyeing for table and chairs yang macam ni

Cute isn't it?!

Hopefully the outcome will looks something like this..

or like this.. angan-angan saja bah!


  1. Sooner or later mesti ada bah ;)

  2. Hi Ivynana,

    When i looked at the first photo, it seems that u have a spacious room because not many stuffs were there. I think you can do it.

    The last photo (the green one) looks marvelous! If only you can make it that way.

  3. mun ada lama dah ku angkut juak...he he he

  4. ur ideas is good and the room looks more prettier

  5. Buli buat bah tu, it's not difficult. :-)

  6. Willie : I really like the green one too, but I dont think I can keep it tat neat all the time.

    Mama : Camne tok, ne org kaya kch tok, buka la cawangan mini ikea ka.

    Hazel : yup, it does look prettier.

    Gallivanter : masalah nya kat sini tak byk choice, ongkos pun 1 masalah yg amat besar ;)

  7. mun ktk pandei main kaler kacak bilit ya klak... coba jak...

  8. angan-angan akan jadi...planning orang kata kan.

  9. Wei... IKEA now can buy online what... just pay for extra postage. Besides, it's all DIY anyway.

  10. Khairul : ya la, mok cuba skill lok.

    JA : auk, planning mok ada.

    One other : eh, benar ka dayung? Ikea website ka? sakai juak aku tok. ihiks.
