April 8, 2009

Top spot - ABC Seafood

Dinner with my colleagues at ABC seafood, Top spot, a famous seafood centre in the middle of Kuching town.
Mix seafood soupSteam kerapu fish - I prefer fried kerapu, with sweet and sour sauce or with mango..yummy.
Crab with dried chillies
Butter prawn

Menu :
1. Midin belacan
2. Mix seafood soup
3. Steam kerapu
4. Butter prawn
5. Crab with dried chillies
6. Plain rice
7. Fruits
8. Drinks

Price :
RM200 for 8 person


  1. fuyo.. RM200/8pax is damn cheap..

  2. love to go there too. another place for seafood that i like is BENSON. at the back of Sarawak Plaza (somewhere near there)

  3. Very nice post. Keep it up.

    i would like to share this info with others:

    Unhealthiest Sea Food


  4. waaaahhh..nice food, good price..terliur I tgk huhu..kat sibu got one place here famous with crab..very nice especially with black pepper...

  5. RM200 is okay, that the price of seafood at Topspot!

  6. Journey : Benson, lum pernah cuba sia gik.

    Sam : Cannot eat too often.

    Ivy : Sibu gik byk makanan nyaman, 'perut', char sui pou..adeh..lapar dah.

    Rose : yup..consider as normal price.
