June 23, 2009

1st H1N1 in Sarawak

MIRI, June 22 (Bernama) -- A 23-year-old student from Swinburne University in Kuching became the first person to be confirmed positive for the A (H1N1) influenza in Sarawak, Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr George Chan said here, Monday night.

He said the student had been placed in the Sarawak General Hospital's (SGH) isolation ward in Kuching since last Sunday after developing fever on his return from Melbourne, Australia last Friday.

Dr Chan said there were 21 passengers who flew together with the student on flight MH2504 back to Kuching from Kuala Lumpur, after arriving from Melbourne on flight MH128.

He urged family members and friends who had been with the students since his return to take precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the disease.

He said other passengers who flew in together with the student would also be asked to self-quarantine themselves and advised to go to the nearest hospital should they develop any sign of flu or fever.

He said apart from SGH, treatment for such flu could be sought at the Sarawak Medical Centre in Samarahan and the divisional hospitals here, Sibu and Bintulu.

He added that the people in the state should not panic over the latest case and should instead cooperate with the health authority by taking precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the disease.


* isk, panic juak eh, camne mok sik panic! aduhhh..


  1. Probably need to quarantine those in Swinburne soon....and yeah, better keep our kids at home liaw. Scary of how fast it spreads around.

  2. yup2.. kmk kerja di area hospital pun nektok lebih berjaga2..huhuh..ssh ati tek eh..tadi ada gik masuk..

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