June 16, 2009

Shopping at Ikea

Dah bertahun kami tak ke Ikea, KL trip kali ni, sempat juga kami ke sana.
Kalau diikutkan hati, macam² barang yang nak diangkut, tapi takut nanti ter-overload pula.
So kami pun pilih yang ada diskaun dan yang ringan² saja.
Tengok tu, boleh tahan penuh juga shopping cart kami.

Si kecil pun seronok shopping kat sini, sambil menolak mini shopping cart dia.


  1. i understand how u feels..
    my mum angkat 1 trolley balik kuching

  2. wawa.. sioknya.. jan pokai sda :) hihi

  3. aduhhhhhhhhhh.. aku agi maoks g sia... ikeaa... ikeaaaa...

  4. I love shopping at Ikea, looking at their products and design etc...... the last time I went there was back in 2007.

    Hopefully would be able to make a trip down there end of the year or next year. For my new house! :p

  5. Sedihnyer...i have never been to Ikea. Uwaaaa....tapi smart move...buy only brg yg berdiskaun. At least you save a lot.

  6. Casper : we angkat 3 kotak, sgt berbaloi.

    Nadia : mesti la syiok ;)

    Ano : Pegi la agik :)

    Rose : For your new house? how excited!

    Willie : Lain kali singgah la sia.
