July 22, 2009

Eugene @ 2y10m

Our conversation this morning while still on the bed:
Eugene : Daddy mandi ka?
Mummy : Yes
Eugene : Daddy kerja ka?
Mummy : Yes, Mummy kerja geh.
Eugene : Daddy jak kerja, Mummy stay at home, Eugene also stay at home.
Mummy : Cannot, Mummy Daddy have to work.
Eugene : eemmm..don't want.

Berapa hari ni dia dah tak nak pegi ke rumah babysitter, maybe dia boring kot kat situ, takde geng. Ni yang buat Mummy risau ni, either nak hantar dia ke nursery/taska tahun depan or Mummy je yang jaga dia?! Another dilemma..

His physical development :
Weight : 12.6kg
Height : 90cm

His favourite:
Sugus flavor : Strawberry, followed by grape
Cartoon : Ultraman, Ben 10
Clothe : Ultraman, Ben 10
Shoe/sandal : Ultraman
Movie : Wall-e, Transformers
Juice : Guava
Soft drink : Cola
Rice : Chicken rice
Mee : Kolok mee
Chips : Pringles
Supplement : Spirulina


  1. aihhh..cute nya eugene...
    kdg2 bila budak2 bnyk bertanya smpi sik terlayan kan...macam didi kmk ya..

    mun nya bertanya...smpi pening kepala hehehe

  2. itu la pasal, dah makin besar ni makin pandai demand.

  3. Kudos to eugene from eugene hahahahah.

    i like ultra man, i dont know what is kolok mee?

  4. Kolok mee is Sarawak version of wantan mee ;) That's the easier explantion I can think of.

  5. Sama kes like my son. Cuma minat kartun lain such as mickey mouse, pokoyo, Dibo the gift dragon and Little Einstein.

  6. Willie : Astro kami sikda cartoon channel, ya la Eugene sik byk choice..kesian.
