July 3, 2009

How much does a baby cost?

Saya sering diajukan soalan sebegitu. Ianya amat lah subjective untuk menjawap soalan tersebut. As I always answered, it all depends on your choice, ikut kemampuan sendiri gitu bah. Here's from my experience:

1. Deliver cost - government or private hospital. In Kuching we have 3 primary private hospitals; Normah, Timberland and Kuching Specialist. Deliver cost for normal delivery will start from RM1.8k, for C-sec will range from RM4k-RM8k.

2. Diapers - cloth diaper or disposable diaper. Saya ambil yang mudah je, disposable diaper. Even for a disposable diaper diaper user, it's depends on your baby's skin, if it is sentivise, mudah kena ruam, you need to purchase a better brand/quality, I would suggest something from Huggies or Mummy Poko. Kalau kulit anak tak sensitive, boleh la pakai la apa jenama pun, tak payah la membazir sgt.

3. Milk supply - breastmilk or formula. For a fulltime working mum, I'd say that both type of milk supply is costly. Kalau nak bagi breastmilk, you need to get a good breastpump, kalau tak nanti your milk supply will drop. You have to consider tempat penyimpanan breastmilk masa di office, you beli pakaian yang sesuai juga. Untuk yang memilih formula milk pula, if your kid doesn't have any allergies, of course you can purchase any formula based on your affordability.

Besides those 3 major essential, here's the things that I bought for my 1st baby, just to give you some idea how much you need to spend.
1. Baby stroller
2. Toddler car seat
3. Bath essential (basic) - baby bath, minyak panas, baby oil, baby powder, baby towel, baby bath tub.
4. Baby wear
5. Buai
6. Baby mattress; including sheet, pillows, blanket
7. Binders, sock and glove
Beli sikit² je, I'm very lucky sebab ada ramai kakak, I can recycle some of the things from my niece and nephew.

And here's the list that I wish to buy for my 2nd baby:
1. Thermal blanket
2. Baby mattress, mattress yang lama tu dah letak kat rumah baby sitter.
3. Baby gym
4. Electric breastpump, dulu beli yang manual je.
5. Milk Bottles


  1. huhu..kalo cam tu errr..kena pikir ni nak ada anak bnyk ke tak hahaha..

    but i loves baby...

  2. It is not cheap to have baby. :)

  3. for me last time, pampers ngan susu dah RM300-400 a month. Tak termasuk upah orang jaga, itupun susu lactogen je.... he he he...

    in total sedia aja 500 - 700 per month

  4. it's all up to individual lah kan? like kita makan roti, kita nak makan gardenia ka, the motor man punya roti... minum kopi kat rumah ke kat starbucks.. it's all like u said.. ikut kemampuan kita kan?

  5. Ivy : oohh..Cita-cita nak anak banyak la ni ;)

  6. Rose : yup not cheap.

    Big Momma : Itu dah bertahun dulu, skang apa lagi kan...terpaksa juak la..giney gaya..huhu

    Merryn : sgt setuju.
