July 21, 2009

Lok Lok

Lok Lok @ Ban Hock.
Open daily for dinner till supper, except Sunday.

Cuaca di Kuching berapa hari ni teramat la panas, jerebu pun dah mula kelihatan.
Masa cuaca panas macam ni la akan teringat dengan air Lo Han Guo Petaling street. Memandangkan Petaling streeet terlalu jauh, kami akan melepas rindu kat kedai Lok Lok ni. They serve sweet and tasty Lo Han Guo here, the best in Kuching I have tasted so far.Dulu kedai Lok Lok ni kecil je, only a small stall by the road side, sekarang dah ada kedai sekali. Kira dah upgrade la kan.

Let's see what we normally have.Lo Han Guo, it's a must, Eugene pun suka.
Buntut manok goreng, crispy gitu, rugi orang (Daddy) yang tak pandai makan. Ada 3 dalam secucuk tu sebenarnya, 1 dah masuk perut..tak sabar..haha
Pelbagai Lok lok, Mummy paling suka telur puyuh, sausage tu untuk Eugene.

Sauce ada 4 jenis, ranging from spicy to sweet type.

8 batang lok lok plus 3 cawan Lo Han Guo, total price RM16.50
Besides lok lok, they also serve other menu like :
Nasi Lemak Kari/Wing - RM5.00
Prawn Mee - RM5.00
Kolok Mee - RM4.00

Benda lain yang ada dalam menu, tp tak pernah nampak orang makan pun :
Fish and chip
Chicken chop
Garlic bread


  1. i have never try the lok-lok at ban hock road even i always pass by there. how is it???

  2. Lok lok is ok, I like their drink the most ;)

  3. FYI 'journey adv', I cannot leave commets in ur blogn you dont even have a shoutbox :(

  4. sine tmpt ya sis?area ne?cambest jak..mok juak try mun kuar mlm tuk.

  5. Caynie De: Di bulatan Ban Hock, dekat Michelle Bridal, sederet dgn San Francisco grill...ada tau?

  6. wah..long time i didnt take lok lok.. over here i call it "dip, dip" ... :)
