July 29, 2009

This happens with excessive use of technology


  1. This is so funny but then again to the extent it is rather true,technology has in way creeped into our lives.

    i guess one day,my children will one day talking more to the PC than to their old man....

  2. yes, just like in desperate housewives, the mother has to pretend to be someone else online, so that she can talk to her son (heart-to-heart).

  3. hehehehe...susah mun semua bergantung ngan technology oh,
    cth lah zaman kita kanak2 dgn zaman kanak2 alaf baru tok, mmg bnyk beza, especially yg dibandar huhu, kalo bole social life mrk kurang sikit, bnyk waktu dpn cmptr ato permainan games kan kan

  4. Nothing but the truth Ivynana! We rely too much on PC!!
