August 12, 2009

Remote control car

This is Eugene's 2nd remote control car, Daddy bought this for him.

Siap ada spare tyre lagi.

This is his 1st remote control car, at the age of 7+ months.
Of coz at that time he dunno how to play with the car yet, but Daddy was too eager to get him one.


  1. Astaga.. punya kiut.. dia pandai main ka?? hihi.. :)

  2. best2..i like remote control cars..hih

  3. adohai..cute sekali bari 7 months dihadiahkan remote control car...
    mst eugene tekan2 jak remote ya owh hehehe..janji berjalan..

    sure he happy with the 2nd one..=), now he can play..

  4. Kids, boys especially love cars, even before they can talk or walk.
    When he grows older get him jigsaw puzzles, the easy ones first...
    You have fun and keep well, Lee.
