September 28, 2009


Astro telah merompak RM20 from my pocket money, hanya kerana telah terlambat membayar bil yang baru je 8 hari overdue. Nak salah kan siapa nih?! Aku? Astro?! Confinement?! or nak salahkan hubby..ihikss...
I want my money back..cekik darah betul :(


  1. Alahai kesian. Bila u tanya astro, diorang cakap itu polisi dan dah termaktub dalam perjanjian. Baca belakang bil, mesti ada tertulis. Ahaks!

  2. i don't have astro at home, it's expensive and i have no time to watch movie

  3. Astro memang suka mencekik... Kenak x byr bil online jak, senang gik bah. Hehehe.

  4. Blame your hubby!!! Ask RM20 from him! hehehe!

  5. Willie: Polisi,polisi...dolok mun sik silap RM10 jak, paduhal nek tok dah up!

    Hazel: I get the 'cheap' package, sometimes dunno what to watch in tv1,2,3.

    Coffee gal: Astro mmg buduh, pelanggan sidak pun agak buduh..mmg aku..huhu

    Tikot : dah nama lipak pok, dah la celcom broadband berapa hari lepas, mcm siput nak mampus jak..haha

    Rose: I agree! He shud be the one taking over the task esp during our confinement :D

  6. rm20 bole makan kolo mi beberapa kali ya, paling2 8 mangkuk hehhe
