November 17, 2009

Baby Milestones

0-3 Months
  • Turn to one side - Checked
  • Respond to sounds - Checked
  • Make odd sounds and noises - Checked

3 Important Milestones
Goal 1: Reach these 4 critical baby milestones first

  • Controls head ± 3 months
  • Sitting ± 6 months
  • Crawl ± 9 - 10 months
  • Walk ± 13 - 15 months
  • Goal 2: Encourage playing with toys
    Encourage Baby to look at and follow brightly colored toys and objects. It's an important baby milestone!
    Goal 3: Encourage speech development
    Speech development is one of the most important development milestones. Be on the lookout for slow speech development. Clear-cut slow speech development may be an early indication of learning problems.


    1. hey,,, wishing you a happy week ahead, albeit 5 days left.

      take care now my friend

    2. eugene: you too my friend :)

      ivy: best tp penat..huhu
