November 6, 2009

Vital Years

My son Eugene dah 3 tahun, tapi belum lagi bersekolah, everytime kalau tanya dia nak sekolah ke tak, mesti dia jawap 'belum lagi, nanti dulu'. In other words, dia tak nak sekolah la tu.

Mummy dah survey part time class untuk dia.
Vital Years - English reading & writing holiday enrichment programme nampak agak menarik.
Terdapat 2 cawangan di Kuching,
Rubber Road (414543) and BDC (458981)
Registeration fee: RM20
Class fee: RM10 per hour

This weekend kalau ada masa nak pergi jenguk tempat tu,
harap-harap Eugene berkenan.

**rates shown may be subject to changes from time to time


  1. i taught in vital years before i became a SAHM. The holiday enrichment classes are not the same as their ordinary classes u know. SO it's hard to judge if it will benefit eugene based on the holiday programme. but if u ask me, i'd recommend vital years anytime! :)

  2. ohh..good to hear that. I'm not going to 'judge' anything, I just want Eugene to be exposed to 'school/learning' environment.

  3. ala dayung... bagilah dia enjoy dulu. masih budak ba tu kan. time aku marek, umur 6 thn terus masuk Darjah1. Genius jugak aku walaupun sikda ke tadika. haha (time ya Tadika sik banyak dan sik wajib).

  4. wah..the fees so much different here!!

  5. Ahahahaa... kanak2 ribena bah...

    Tuk url terbaru kmk

    (selepas onggon > khairulonggon >

  6. Coffee girl: The truth, I pun slalu pikir gia, that's why sampai skang lum gik hantar Eugene ke skolah ;)

    Little prince: Over there more expensive issit?

    Khairul: ok, nanti kita singgah.
