April 22, 2013


Eugene:"Mummy, kenapa kita selalu pasang aircon sekarang?"
Mummy:"Sebab cuaca sangat panas."

Sekarang ni, almost everynight kena pasang aircon. Kalau tak memang tak dapat nak tido dengan lena. Ni baru bulan April, tak tau la macammana nanti masa musim panas dan jerebu dalam bulan August-Sept.


Gone where those days (months) where we don't have to pay a single cent for our electricity bill.


  1. Yes, damn hot. Even we can feel the heat after switching on the air con. Sigh! Cannot think of the bills when they come!!

  2. Panas gilak masa tok owh.. dah berapa minggu dah. Kmk pun tido dengan 2 remote (remote kipas & remote aircond) hahaha...

  3. Rose: yes, we still have rain, but the heat, it's feel like biting on your skin.

    Ms Tikot: hehe, kamek tambah gik remote TV, and phone for Candy Crush, all these become my bantal busuk.
