September 4, 2013

Underarm Waxing

My 1st experience getting my underarm waxed by a professional. It turned out to be a great experience and I already booked myself for another session next month, think I'm going to do this regularly.

It feels fresh and clean after it's done.

The package that I opt for is:
  •     Dead skin cell removal helps smooth-en skin.
  •     Waxing
  •     Post-treatment mask and cooling gel.
  •     Mousse - untuk melambatkan ketumbuhan.

Masa nak pergi tu ada gak nervous sikit, mana tau sakit ke kan.. Turn out ok je, cuma pedih sikit masa letak mask tu, but its all good.


  1. Yeah..I think so too..waxing is cleaner. I haven't try before lah...where got time. -___-

  2. Mummy Gwen: I understand the time part, now that my youngest son is 4 years old, Ihave more time to myself.

    Last time want to go to church also susah ;)

  3. Where did you do it? How long it last?

    By the way, thanks for dropping by.

  4. I did it at Jimary Beauty, takes about 20 min only.

  5. dayung, doh tikidok keh? kuk tong yok nai leh..

  6. Oggi leh tikidok sit2, but bareable bih. Nyaa nai pun pro jak. Best. I'm going again soon.
