October 25, 2013

Mount Hosanna Jesus Prayer Chapel

Mount Hosanna Jesus Prayer Chapel is about half an hour drive from Sri Aman town, you will pass by this Chapel on your way if you are travelling from Kuching to Sri Aman like we do.

We make a quick stop here just to admire the beauty of this place.
The Chapel only opens on Sunday.

This Catholic Chapel has a very interesting history. You can google about it.
Some called it the Healing Church, some said that the Holy Water has some kind of superpower.

I believe them all.
But most of all, I just love the design, simple yet meaningful.
I make sure I have a glimpse of it every time I travel along Kuching-Sri Aman road.


  1. Me too. I will try to catch a glimpse of it everytime passing the road. But i never been inside the church. Hubby did stopped once but it was not open.

  2. It's like three rockets about to be launched...

  3. Rose: nice view right?!

    Coffee girl: Lilin noh, sejuk mata memandang.

  4. The father the son and the holy spirit. Amen that's the meaning of 3 candles
