December 16, 2013

Digital perm

My hair is getting too long, I thought of cutting it short, then again, I said why not perm it and if I don't like it, I can always cut it later.
So, I went to a salon last Sunday.

I opt for Digital perm..

See all the cables that wired to my hot hot.

And the result.... tada... I wish.
But I like my new wavy hair, I think I'm going to keep this hair style for another few months.
The Christmas mood is definitely On babehh...


  1. My hair now too short for any perming. hahah! Maybe colour since CNY is a month plus away! Lol!

  2. Sharon ;)

    Rose: yup, need to color mine also, not cheap and long hour of waiting.

    Willie: cantik kan..kalao tak cantik camne mok kawin ngan anak raja..haha.
