December 2, 2013

Kayaking at Padawan River

I had an amazing soft adventure doing kayaking at Sarawak Kiri (left) river in Padawan area last week.

I went together with my officemate. Kpg Benuk
Our stating point was from Kpg Benuk at 10.30am.
Beautiful scenery along the river
We make a quick stop at the waterfall.  This waterfall is truly a hidden treasure.  Since it was raining heavely last night, which make the water level quite high, We can kayak straight to the waterfall location.  This is the 1st I kayak-ed to a waterfall, normally I had to trekked my way to reach one.  Seriously enjoying it.

The hidden waterfall
We had an early lunch at Kpg Danu.  Since we are in the fruit season now,  we had lots of local durian and dabai for our desserts.  Yummmy!
Lunch break at Kpg Danu

We make a stop to take photos before reaching the end point.
Yippie, we did it!

We reached the end point at Kpg Semedang at around 2.30pm, where heavy rain started to pour.

We kayak-ed for 11km in total.  Along the river you can enjoy the wonderful scenery.  So calming.

The travel agent was great, 3 guides followed us throughout the trip,  they also provide a life jacket (a must wear) and also a waterproof bag (I brought my own which I won't if I knew in advance).

I must say that it was an amazing experience.


  1. It is fun when a group of friends going. I never kayaking before but i am sure it is a challenge and fun sports.

  2. Willie & Nimi: mari la ikut, best sgt.

    Rose & cre*tone: yup, great exercise too!
