April 10, 2014

Life, Death, Earth and Planet

Selepas incident soalan cepu emas tentang baby, sekarang anak-anak dah start tanya pasal life, death, earth, and planet pulak.  Antara soalan nya..

Eugene: Macammana kita dapat kubur? Kubur orang semua dah ada nama.
Mummy: Nanti kalau kita dah ninggal, baru la kita akan ada kubur.

Emmett: Mummy, kalau Mummy dah tua, Mummy akan mati ka?
Mummy: Ye, kalau dah tua kita akan mati.
Emmett: Kalau macam tu, Mummy tak payah jadi tua la.

Emmett: Astronaut yang pergi ke space dapat makan ka?
Daddy: Dapat.
Emmett: Mereka makan apa?

Emmett: Kalau dah end of the world, macammana dengan kita?
Eugene: Jangan terlalu pikir pasal planet ka, end of the world ka.  Pikir benda yang penting macam homework ka, sekolah ka, itu saja.  Tak payah la nak susah hati sangat.

*It is hard to explain about life and death to them; now I would rather answers all the awkward questions about the formation of a baby.*

 I thank you Lord for these precious joy of my life.


  1. My son sekarang suka tanya pasal heaven n hell.

  2. Sama la with my boys, susah ku nak explain 'hidup mati di tangan Tuhan' but at the same time teach them the need of survival.

    Aku masa kecik dolok, sikda pikir dalam camnya gilak eh, main panjat2 pokok, mandi2 sungai, dah habis hari. Haha.

  3. My girl also ask me about God, heaven and hell. Haha. Kids are very mature and they tend to ask unexpected questions that we are not prepare to answer.

  4. ahh.. Thank God my children are not the only one asking these sort of questions ;)
