April 1, 2014

Our Backyard Project

After considering the cost and the future maintenance, we decided to plant cow grass in our backyard; no fancy landscape, no fish pond and no jacuzzi for now :p

Here's how the project goes...
This was before the project started - rumput ntah pape.

After all the weeds were cleared.
We have the guava, limau and pineapple plants there.

Sand were added, red soil and the 1st batch of the cow grass were in.

All the cow grass are in, contractor will come by again after 1 week for trimming - notice the yellowish color of the 1st batch's grass? We did complaint and the contractor said it is not a problem, soon it all be green.  Ok, we just wait and see.

The tiny soil area is the only allowed area by hubby for my gardening project, kedekut kan? Nah, actually he knows me better than myself.  Dia tau saya ni pemalas :D

tadaa... after 3 weeks, this is the final result.
Yup, all good and green. I loved it.

*So, honey, now that we have our cow grass already, when can we move the cow in?*  toing..