June 6, 2014

Daily night market, Krabi

This night market operates daily in Krabi. It is just at the other corner of Lada Krabi Residence Hotel, only a few steps away.
It starts around 4pm and by 9pm most of the food is sold out.

I bought this sticky rice mango at 4.30pm, at 6.30pm I went again to get my 2nd dose, how disappointed I am when the lady seller said that it already sold out. Sigh..

This cost 40bht only, rice is soft, mango is sweet, so yummy.

For dinner, we just tapao from the night market and eat in our hotel room.
Tiny chicken wings and fried popia are at 10bht each.

Sausages 8bht-10bht each

Phat Thai shrimp 40bht
Thai sago drink 20bht

Strawberry smoothies 25bht

Banana pancakes 25bht

To me, this market is just like a smaller version of Filipino evening market in KK; minus the fishy smells coz there's no fish market here :)


  1. Arghhh..I'm craving for Thai food after seeing all these pictures of yours..lol ^.^

    1. Haha, have to go search for nearby Thai Restaurant. Thai food are yummiess, I am gaining so much weight d :(

  2. Did you eat those fried insects?

    1. Didnt see those fried insect in Krabi, but I did try a leg of grasshopper last time in Bangkok, didnt like it.

  3. I could find something to eat there.


  4. You 2 enjoy street food as well Filip & Kristel? ;)
