July 18, 2014

Proboscis Monkey at Santubong Wetlands

Here I just want to share with you the photos of the proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) or long-nosed monkey that I captured last month during our trips to Santubong Wetlands.

These photos were taken using my point and shoot Sony camera, nothing fancy, no DSLR, no super zoom and no editing done; just resizing and water-marking only.


I will share the itinerary in another post when I have the time to complete it..

*Best time to see this Proboscis monkey is around 5pm, this is the time when they are hungry and get to these trees for the young leaves.


  1. Wow! You can even spotted a monkey in Santubong? This is good. I dont think I ever saw one before in Santubong.

    You have a great weekend, Vina.

    1. Hi Rose, you need to take a boat to see these Proboscis. A good guide should know where to find them, the timing also very important. Its my second time watching them. You should try soon when they are still plenty, if the Santubomg cable car project really take off, we might not be able to see any of them anymore.

  2. I used to meet them. N now I'm meeting many of them.. hahaha!

  3. I would so love to visit this place one day!

    1. Hi Sharon: yes you should, while they are still around. You can take the package together the see the dolphin. We ppl dont know that we have dolphin in Kuching, even many Sarawak have not seen it. But dolphin a bit more difficult to see, I am lucky to see them once.
