August 4, 2014

In my garden: Pink guava

Pokok jambu di belakang rumah tu tak pernah berhenti mengeluarkan hasil semenjak 5 tahun yang lepas.

Inilah buahnya, rasanya amat manis, lagi sedap bila dimakan dengan asamboi.. nyummm.

Tapi selalunya inilah yang akan berlaku pabila kemalasan menguasai diri..

Buah jambu ini akan buruk atau dimakan burung sekiranya tidak dibalut.

Harap di masa akan datang saya akan lebih menghargai rezeki pemberian Tuhan ini..


  1. Wow! You have pink guava tree at the back of your house?? So nice. Pink guava is better than the white one I heard.

    1. Yes, we had the tree lanted there about 7 years ago.

      To me the pink one taste sweeter than the white one.

  2. You have an impressive number of fruit and vegetable plants / trees, Ez. I would love to be your neighbour..haha

  3. haha Sharon, come come, I always give some to my neighbour, bring some to office too, and still have plenty. But of coz I need to be more 'rajin' to wrap the young fruits.

  4. Mun sik tekabir makan, boleh derma kat Otters Nest gik... :D

  5. Coffee girl: Boleh2, tolong dtg balut juak, then 2-3 weeks dtg gik ambik yang dibalut dirik tek ;)

  6. Pink guava! It's a pretty pink. I have not seen one.

  7. Really EastCoastLife? Its not uncommon here, but not as easy to find as the white one.
