September 30, 2014

Pasar Utama Bintulu

Pasar Utama Bintulu is a walking distance from where we stayed, Kemena Plaza Hotel.

Pasar Tamu Bintulu is located right next to the Pasar Utama.  This is where you can find all kind of local jungle produce.

 Bamboo for cooking pansuh or lemang.

 The very famous Bintulu belacan, my belacan-expert-friend told me that Bintulu belacan has a stronger smell (fragrant) compare to Miri belacan.  Me, I like them both, as long as it looks a bit pinkish, not too dark brown.


 Buah keranji

 Buah rambai - buah ni lebih masam dari buah langsat, nak makan pun ada cara tersendiri, saya kurang minat.

 Bertih beras - poprice

 Local veggie, and petai - a local jungle produce.

 Items for Iban ritual ceremony - mini ketupat for Miring ceremony.


  1. Many local produces in the market. So what did you buy there?

    1. Hi Rose, I bought belacan, langsat susu and some traditional kueh.

  2. I love local markets. So many interesting produce in this one. Did you buy the durian?

  3. Hi Sharon, its a pity I didnt get the chance to try to durian :(

  4. Been to Bintulu once but sik jalan ke pasar ya....:(

  5. Hi Tia, aku mun dpt, pasar tamu yang tempat wajib dituju.

  6. Hi Merryn, have you ever heard of the pantun/peribahasa 'Buah keranji dalam perahu;. Suruh makan saya makan,. Suruh membaca saya tak tahu. '.

    Well, this is the buah keranji in that pantun ;)

    It has a sweet (bit sour) fruit inside. I love the taste.
