October 3, 2014

Bintulu Night Market

I see food.. everywhere.. and that's make me so happy.

Halal corner..

 BBQ corner..

Kuih corner..

Non halal corner..

Pau or hot steam bun and Siao bee
Fruit and veggie corner..

Kids corner..

My travel buddies bought cap for themselves, it just too sunny here in Bintulu.

This daily night market is located somewhere nearby the Old Bintulu Airport.  That's where the Borneo International Kite Festival is held annually.


  1. Food makes me happy too. Oo..this looks like a great night market to explore!

    1. Yup and the size of the market is just right, not too big but lots of choices.

  2. Food night market! Best utk cuci mata! last last time masa di Bintulu utk hari Malaysia, first time visit night marketnya, alu tapau macam2... in the end, sik abis. Haha haloba namanya

    1. Sama la kita, aku pun tapau mcm2 mbak mkn dlm bilit, sampe sik terkabe. Kenak Kuching sikda pasar camtok ho.
