November 7, 2014

Jong Crocodile Farm & Zoo

One Friday evening..

Eugene: Mum, do we have crocodile here in Kuching?
Me: We have lots of crocodile here in Kuching.
Eugene: Where can we see one?
Me: There's a lot at Santubong Wetlands, but we need to get a boat to go there.  Easiest one would be at Jong's Crocodile Farm.  I'm not sure how's the place looks like nowadays, I was there once, more than 20 years ago.
Eugene: Can we go, Mum, Dad?
Dad: Sure, let's go tomorrow.
Eugene & Emmett: yeah! We are going to see crocodiles!

That's how we decided to have a visit at Jong's crocodile farm last Saturday.

The Crocodile Farm is located about 29km from Kuching City towards Serian town.  Entry fees are RM16 for adults and RM8 for children.  For Sarawakian RM10 (adult) and RM5 (child).  Crocodile feeding times are at 11am and 3pm.  This place opens daily from 9am to 5pm.

Crocodile feeding time

Arapaima fish farm

Arapaima feeding time 
Other animals at the zoo..

 Happy faces


  1. happy they are! It's been a long time since I last went to a crocodile farm. Very interesting outing.

    1. Hi Sharon, yup they are really happy. I almost forgotten about this place. Great place for kids.

  2. My girl was just talking about crocodile few minutes ago! Asked me to bring her when go back to Kuching. Lol.

    1. Hi Rose, you should bring ur children here. I was quite impress with the place, not as bad as I imagine, was a bit worried on the safety side, but this place now is totally diff from 20 years ago.
