April 15, 2015

Hong Kong | Ladies Night Market, Mongkok

We went for a late night shopping at Ladies Night Market in Mongkok, Hong Kong.

This night market is almost similar to our Petaling Street, KL

It is a great place to shop for souvenirs, there are so many to choose from.

My simple tips are:
1. Don't buy at the 1st shop that you see goods that you're interested in.  It is a huge place, I'm sure will find another shop selling the same things, the further you walk, the cheaper the price you get (at least in our case) but can be very tiring.
2. Remember to bargain.

Some of the shop keepers even know how to speak few words of bahasa and have Malay signboard ('Layan Sendiri", Terima Kasih') in their stalls, which make me think "must be many Malaysian shops here"

Ok, let's follow me on the tour..

 The best way to go there is by taking the MRT, the station is right underground of the market.
When you came out of the station..this is what you get to see... ladies shopping heavan..haha

 hmmm.. which one should i choose??!
  haiya.. I didn't get the chance to go in to the crocs shop

 Cha Chaan Teng
Lok lok/Satay celup/Yong Tau Foo... whatever you want to call it.


ok, my backpack is full.
some of the souvenirs that I managed to grasp.


  1. Haha. Another tip. Buy extra bag when travelling. Lol.

    Like me, went to Thailand with 2 bags, came home with 3 bags. Lol.

  2. Haha...good haul! I enjoy shopping in areas like these too ^.^

  3. I visited Mongkok with my mum years ago and remember the shopping was really really good!
