May 17, 2015

English Grammar for Primary 3

Next week is the exam week for most of the schools in Malaysia.

So since it is exam week, I asked my son, Eugene to do some extra revision from this book that I bought from Popular bookstore.

Take a look at question No.7, what would your answer be?

Oh well, I would have answered B in the 1st place too.

Eugene gets too bored he add in option E for No.5 & 6.


  1. my answer would be B too in the 1st place.. well.... oh.. well....

    1. Kan Deb, bukan main kita nak elok perkataan camtok, pande keluar dlm buku latihan indah.

  2. Hi Rose, i was surprise to see that too, even my boy ran to me with an open mouth to show it to me. Haha

  3. even if the answer is B, it's still grammatically wrong. it's 'Her' not 'Hers' in this context. Lol... maka buku Grammar ooo...
