August 19, 2015

Emmett's sketches #1 | car

Emmett loves to draw.  He can spend hours on drawing lines and shapes, which most of the time only him can read and tell a story out of his sketchers.

I have always wanted to keep a digital record of his artwork, but I never did until today.  And I hope many more to come..

So here's my 1st sharing.

Emmett's artwork..

Mum's colors filling..

This little drawing, he does it while waiting for our food to arrive when we had dinner at Cheese n Tea just now.

Sorry son, my coloring did not do justice to your drawing, I promise once I have a Stylus pen, I will do better .. excuses :)


  1. Very nice. Must frame and hang it up!

  2. Very talented! I cannot draw a decent pic of a car. I envy him ..haha ^.^

  3. Lol... mom's coloring gave it some life. But Emmet is getting better! coba beriknya paintbrush...

    1. Hi Coffee girl, pernah berik nya watercolor, habis tempat lain di color, comot jak rumah dipolah nya.
