April 14, 2016

Yit Foh Coffee Factory, Tenom, Sabah

We had the opportunity to visit the famous Yit Foh Coffee Factory while we were in Tenom last month.

Yit Foh Coffee Factory is the oldest and one of the most famous coffee manufacturers in Sabah.

Our main purpose going there was get a good stock of coffee for our own consumption.  Price-wise, of coz it is a bit cheaper here at the factory.

Enjoy the pics...


  1. Pity I dont drink coffee. But actually it is quite nice to visit the factory. Reminded me of our visit to tea plantation and factory in Cameron Highlands few years ago.

  2. I'm not a big coffee fan, but I do love visiting places like these. It's a nice experience.

  3. I have not been to this factory before..must be full of the coffee aroma there..I heard people sau smelling coffee is as good as drinking coffee..
