April 19, 2019

Declutter | But what if I need it in the future

I have a confession to make, I think I am becoming a hoarder, our house is not in the stage that I want it to be. We have too much stuffs.  Maybe it's not as messy as those hoarders' house that we seen on tv, but it keeps in messing in my mind that I need a better system to manage my home.

I have been thinking hard.  I know there are many reason why people keep (hoard) their things.  But I have drilled down my problem to one. Which is "What if I need the stuff in the further?"

I've done some reading on issue specific to me, and find out that there are few possible reason why I have this kind of issue:
1. Having trust issue.
2. Afraid that I might not have 'enough' in the future.  But what is enough?
3. I lost something valuable in the pass.
4. Growing up poor, or still in a poor state.  Maybe a poor mind in my case :)
5. You want to ensure you have enough in the future. hmmm again, I need to define what is enough.

I have tried decluttered in the pass, decluttering my collection of disposable food containers, still struggling with it but in a more systematic way.  Sound like another hoarder excuse, right?

So, today I am throwing away 90% of the Eu Yan Sang empty glass bottles.

BUT what if I might need it in the future?! I will just have to buy more Eu Yan Sang product.

Btw, this is a not a Eu Yan Sang promotional post ya.  I just find that Eu Yan Sang use lots of good hard glass material (tu yang sayang nak buang tu), not sure whether that is good or bad for the environment.  Well, that's another topic for another day.

Next, I am going to digitalised all by receipt. No more physical files to keep all my hard copy receipts.

Your Home is a Living Space not a Storage Space!

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