July 4, 2019

Just Shut Up

There are times when I wish can just say ‘please shut up’ to some people.  Like  in these situation...

Scene 1.
At an economy rice stall, I was there to tapao my lunch.
Me: Nasi setengah jak. (Rice half portion only)
Owner A: Cukup ka? (Is that enough?)
Owner B: aih jaga badan ka, nasi setengah jak!
Ohhh come on!
For 1, I am paying for the food.
2, if I only need half, why I need to get more.
Seriously I don’t understand Malaysian and their food waste!

Scene 2.
Me having porridge for lunch.
Person A: Ko makan ya masa tok? (you eating that at this time of the day?)
Then came 2nd person.
Person B: Kenak ko makan bubur masa lunch? (Why are you eating porridge for lunch?)
Person C: aihhh diet ka makan bubur jak? (Are you on diet)

Huwaaa, what’s wrong with me eating porridge for lunch? I love porridge, I can have it for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner, even for supper if I want to.  Same like I can eat American Breakfast for my dinner if I choose to.

Yes, I know you might say that it’s just small talk, and maybe they are being nice by trying to make conversation.  Maybe I am the weird one.

Ohhh my poor-rich :D


  1. Lol. Some people. Just not tactical when it comes to talking.

  2. Hi Rose, Ya right?

    But sometimes I did the same too. Human, can't run away from mistakes I guess.
