March 23, 2020

Day 5 Movement Restriction Order

Day 5. It is Sunday.

Today, I setup my outdoor temporary work space.

I have few online meetings line-up for the coming week. Need to change the ambiance to give myself more motivation.
This is right in-front of our main door.  Practically still #stayathome.

For our meals.

Breakfast: we had buns.

Lunch: Bak Kut Teh and manicai.

Tea break: Cheese toast and milo.

Dinner: We had the leftover Bak Kut Teh, plus long beans with eggs, prepared by Eugene.

Dessert: Rose apple and pineapple.

Together we can fight this.

1 comment:

  1. Working ambience looked good and encouraging to me. :)

    BKT. It has been a while I had it.
