March 11, 2020

My 2nd iPhone Pro 11

So I broke my phone.

What happened on the D-Day?  I was having a busy week. It happened in the ladies room at the Imperial Hotel, Kuching during one of our official function.  I literally saw it flying up, I can rewind it in my mind just like a matrix movie. And the back cover is cracked.  Surprising the cameras are still intact and working just fine.

We had been using Apple phone since iPhone 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 up to now 11.  And this is the 1st time we broke an Iphone.  Luckily I got the phone insured with Celcom Phone Care.  I had never insured my previous. Maybe I had jinx it by having the insurance.  I dunno.

Claiming for the new phone was easy, but the data migration part was not.  You know how much I love the new phone to phone transfer feature.  With this phone swap, I need to do the backup on my laptop and return the phone in order to get the new phone.

On the day I logged my case, I was informed that there is no stock for the space grey.  I am allowed to pick other colours.  Took me 1 day of thinking to come up with the decision to stick to my old space grey colour.  Should have chosen a different colour that day, baru ada feel dapat phone baru. Haha.

Since I've chosen the space grey, I had to wait for an extra 5 days for the phone to come.  I have no problem waiting because my phone can still work just fine.  The damage is only on the appearance, if you close your eye and touch the surface, you won’t even feel it.

On the day the phone reaches Kuching, I got a call from Citylink.  I told them I will pick up the phone on Saturday.  I don’t want to get it on weekdays.  Data restore took me about half a day for completion.

So now all the tough parts are done (mainly the data transfer). I am enjoying my new phone while typing this post.

Even though I need to pay a few hundred to get this phone swap, I am happy with the whole experience.  I am keeping the insurance subscription for a longer period than I initially planned.

My broken phone. sob sob 

QC session.

QC 2nd person, and all the documents needed to sign.

This is where I swap the phone.

Thank you Phone Care.

Celcom Phone Care: Swap or Replace your device for any reasons‎.

Note: This post is NOT sponsored by Celcom.


  1. Wow. I can imagine the incident, seeing the phone flying and break. Can't do without phone nowdays so glad you got a new one with much hassle.

  2. Hi Rose, ya, hate to admit it, but phone has become one of the essential things to have. sigh..

  3. Waa.. lucky you got it insured. Glad it ended well, Ez.

  4. Hi Sharon, I been missing you :)
    yup, luckily all went well.
