April 12, 2020

Day 26 Movement Restriction Order | Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday live Mass today is at 8am.

We had fried noodle for breakfast, then we had keropok lekor.

We had dinner outside again today.
Our chefs for today.

We had bbq pork, sausages, sweet potato, and fried tempoyak.  No green veggie today.

We are running out of veggies.  I went to the nearby shop earlier today, but it was closed.
And I am getting worried.  I have this bad habit where I must have certain things ready in the house in order to be at ease.  I need to change that, I need to learn that during this MCO, there are things can wait.  Focus on the important matter.  I am still learning

At night we watch Wrath of the Titans (2012).

Little dose of happiness daily: My sister gave us this homemade apple pie. So good!  I miss my sisters and my parents’ cooking. sob sob.


  1. Wow. Your sis' apple pie must be good.

    Bbq outside sounds good. My hubby also suggested for bbq at back yard onr of these evening when it is not too warm. Let see how. 2 weeks to go,we have the time to do it at least once. :)

  2. Hi Rose, if it's not too warm, it's be raining, better BBQ when it is warm :)

    Yes, the apple pie was good, with thin crust. Looks a bit messy coz she pack it in a container for me.

  3. Happy Easter to you.

    I also panicked easily and need to stock up lettuce in my fridge. It's for my tortoise! Lolol.

  4. I understand. If my cats’ food is running low, I also starts to panic.

  5. I feel you. I must always have veggies on my makan table too. Otherwise, I just feel that my meal is not complete.
