April 14, 2020

Day 28 Movement Restriction Order

A lot happening today.  Good things I must say.

We started the day with breakfast, bread from our neighbour, egg, and cheese. So good.

At 10am, the Hokkaido Triple Cheesecake that I ordered yesterday was delivered.  Look at these.  So pretty isn’t it?!

Lunch, we had homemade meatball with pumpkin soup and fried pork dumplings.

I also make this tong sui, great for a hot day like today.

At 3pm, Postlaju delivered these goods which hubby bought from Shoppe 8 days ago.  We let it sunbath outside until evening before we brought it in.

At 5pm, my sister stopped by, she brought along: compose soil, ubi kayu, tempoyak, sambal belimbing,  kunyit, and cangkuk manis.  She got her permit from the police to visit the kebun at our kampung.  All these produces that we can easily access to last time, has becoming something that is so hard to get during this MCO.  It is making me a bit emotional. Sob sob.

I planted the tumeric.  Had planted tumeric a few time before, but none was long lasting.  Let see how long these will last.

For dinner, we had braised pork Taiwan style, and homemade meatballs in pumpkin soup.

Ulam bunga kunyit with sambal belimbing.

Before going to bed, I prepared a lamb dish, not sure if is this a stew or curry.  Place it in the slow cooker mode, and we will have something yummy for breakfast tomorrow.

Little dose of daily happiness today:  I am so grateful to have my sisters who care so much of me and each other. Not forgetting my wonderful neighbour too.  During times like this, little act of kindness is the least that you can do to brighten up someone's days. #kitajagakita

1 comment:

  1. True #kitajagakita sob..reading your piece makes me feel emo too.
    That cheesecake looks really delicious and your food is making my mouth water big time. Have a pleasant mco, Ez x
