April 17, 2020

Day 31 Movement Restriction Order

TGIF.  Yeay, the weekend is here.

For breakfast today, we had frozen roti canai.  It was not tasty at all, I want to have fresh canai at mamak stall. Even though not tasty, we still going to finished it, no food wasting during this MCO.

For lunch, we had babi kicap and bayam.

And at night, we had finger food for dinner.  One plate of banana, chocolate, and cheese in popia wrap, and another plate of minced meat, potato, and cheese in popia wrap.  They look so dark because some of the chocolate melted into the oil.  Oh well, as long as it tastes good.

We were eating it while watching Netflix.

Before going to bed, I make lamb (bone meat) curry, ready for breakfast tomorrow.

I also got these package of midin delivered to our house this afternoon. Haven’t cooked them yet, still leaving it outside, hopefully they still fresh tomorrow.


  1. Oh noo, I just bought frozen roti canai to try ..kakaka. Really miss midin, lama already since I last ate it. Ya bah, I feel the same way about food - taste good, ok already. Looks are secondary.

  2. Hi Sharon, iof coz cannot beat the fresh one from mamak. But it’s ok, still can eat, cannot be too choosy at times like this, right :)
