April 21, 2020

Day 35 Movement Restriction Order

Day 35, for breakfast today,  I make fried noodles with cangkuk manis.  Would be better if I have mee hoon at home, but it’s ok, this Lee Fah noodle would do for now.

For lunch, we ordered from Pizza Hut.

For dinner, I cooked nasi brayani, kids friendly version, fried chicken and lamb curry with lots of carrots and potatoes in the curry, hope those count as veggies.

Fruits, we had papaya and banana today.

A little dose of happiness daily: got these yummy fresh cinnamon rolls from my neighbour.  I really need to learn making bread and buns, falling in love with the taste of fresh buns.  My neighbour has spoiled my tastebuds with these yummy bakes. Haha.


  1. Yes. Mihun with cangkuk manis is the better combination but anything would do for now. Can't be choosy, right??

    Ooo. Briyani. I never cook it myself.

  2. Hi Rose, yes, cannot be choosy during this MCO. I also learn to to cook too much, almost 0 wastage during this time.
