May 1, 2020

Day 45 Movement Restriction Order | Labour Day

Labour Day is lazy day.

I only cook 1 meal today.  Spaghetti bolognese for dinner.

Lunch we had KFC by Foodpanda.

At night I spent about an hour to fix my previous post.  I don't know why many of the photos were missing; they were still in the cloud, and I need to re-insert them.  What a tedious task.

I might need to go out tomorrow.  The last time I went out was last Friday.  So fast 7 days had passed.  I really need to buy some fruit, getting tired of eating papaya.

Our PM made an important announcement this afternoon, allowing most of the economy and government sector to start work this coming Monday, 4th May 2020.  Apparently now is the CMCO phrase.  Sarawak Government has not given their green light yet.


  1. Happy Labour's Day. Good to get relax today.

    So next week is back to office?? Still, take care and precaution.

  2. I am drooling for Spaghetti Bolognese now. Looks like many states will not want to follow the government's announcement tomorrow. Better be safe than sorry.
