May 4, 2020

Day 47 Movement Restriction Order

We made few purchase online today, more than we can consume for the day, well kept in the fridge for consumption the following day.

9 Mangoes for RM54.  I am so happy to finally have some colorful and delicious fruit in my fridge.
Loving the colors of these vit-c, red, orange, yellow, and some greens one below.

Look at the color, so pretty.

1 plate for after lunch.

and 1 plate for after dinner.

Pandan layer cake for RM25.

10 Sio Bao for RM25.

Today, I went out with hubby at 12pm, to McD drive thru to get our lunch.  Saja nak keluar bersama, we didn’t even got out of the car.

For tea break, we had these kuih boom, freshly made my our neighbour.  I am having mine while having e-meeting.  This week, sabtu ahad pun meeting.

For dinner, we had fried chicken, broccoli, and tempoyak goreng.

Happiness is when your kid is big enough to help you with house chores.


  1. Yes. The happiness to have kids helping around the house without you telling them. Haha.

    Enjoy your fruits!!! I dont fancy mangoes that much. My man likes it. Only him at hone that eat. I do but not much or I easily have sore throat or cough.

  2. Ohhh, i love mangoes. Normally watermelon n rambutan will give me sore throats.

    Kids doing chores without being ask? No, i am not that lucky yet.

  3. Wow! Your mangoes are so big and beautiful. I should say it's very cheap too for that size.

    I always need to find excuses to drive out and ronda-ronda as staying at home is so depressing.
