May 12, 2020

Day 55 Movement Restriction Order

We went out for groceries shopping today.  Finally stock up on salmon, boneless chicken tights, lots of tomato paste for our lazy spaghetti night.  Also bought grapes, bayam, and cabbage.

For lunch, we had salmon, chicken soup, and bayam, all newly bought this morning.

For dinner, we had fried boneless chicken, curry gravy for cream overdose, and cabbage.

Going to sleep early tonight, tomorrow gonna be a new day, back to the office.  Need to prepare mask, water bottle, staff name tag, where is that thing?!  Ok, will update again on my 1st day back to office.


1 comment:

  1. After months of staying at home, bet tomorrow is going to be an adapting back to working life. Hope no MCO blues for those who going back to work.

    Salmon!! I like it pan fried. But seldom buy it.
