June 15, 2020

RMCO Week 1

So our office is back the old normal working hour.  And I had migraine attack on my 1st full day back to office.  What a day!

Other than that, the only thing that I look forward during this RMCO is balik kampung.  Had to wait until Saturday before I can go back.  So happy to be home.  I feel that both my parents age so much during this 3 months.  Kesian tengok diorang, sakit-sakit sendi semua.

Ohh another great things this week was the share market were very active.  Managed to sell some of my share at a bery good price.  Boleh la cover more than of of my robot vacuum-mop.

The only food photo I took this week.


  1. Safe journey back to your parents' place. Bet they miss you guys too.

  2. Thank you Rose. We sure miss each other :)
