November 6, 2020

阿冗 - 你的答案 (Your Answer)

 Song I listen to now.

阿冗 - 你的答案 / A Rong - Ne De Da An

..Embrace the rainbow toward the wind, walk forward bravely...

也許世界就這樣 ye xu shi jie jiu zhe yang 
Maybe that’s the way the world is. 

我也還在路上 wo ye hai zai lu shang
I’m still on my way. 

沒有人能訴說 mei you ren neng su shuo
No one can tell. 

也許我只能沉默 ye xu wo zhi neng chen mo
Maybe I’ll just be silent. 

眼淚濕潤眼眶 yan lei shi run yan kuang
Tears moist eyes 

可又不甘懦弱 ke you bu gan nuo ruo 
But not to be a coward. 

低著頭期待白晝 di zhe tou qi dai bai zhou
Keep your head down and look forward to the day. 

接受所有的嘲諷 jie shou suo you de chao feng 
Accept all the taunts 

向著風擁抱彩虹 xiang zhe feng yong bao cai hong
Embrace the rainbow toward the wind 

勇敢的向前走 yong gan de xiang qian zou
Walk forward bravely 

黎明的那道光 li ming de na dao guang
The light of Dawn 

會越過黑暗 hui yue guo hei an
Will pass over the darkness. 

打破一切恐懼我能 da po yi qie kong ju wo neng
Break all fear I can 

找到答案 zhao dao da an
Find out the answer 

哪怕要逆著光 na pa yao ni zhe guang
Even if it is against the light 

就驅散黑暗 jiu qu san hei an
And the darkness will be gone. 

丟棄所有的負擔 diu qi suo you de fu dan
Drop all the burden 

不再孤單 bu zai gu dan
No longer alone 

不再孤單 bu zai gu dan
No longer alone

也許世界就這樣 ye xu shi jie jiu zhe yang
Maybe that’s the way the world is. 

我也還在路上 wo ye hai zai lu shang
I’m still on my way. 

沒有人能訴說 mei you ren neng su shuo
No one can tell. 

也許我只能沉默 ye xu wo zhi neng chen mo
Maybe I’ll just be silent. 

眼淚濕潤眼眶 yan lei shi run yan kuang
Tears moist eyes 

可又不甘懦弱 ke you bu gan nuo ruo
But not to be a coward. 

低著頭期待白晝 di zhe tou qi dai bai zhou
Keep your head down and look forward to the day. 

接受所有的嘲諷 jie shou suo you de chao feng
Accept all the taunts

向著風擁抱彩虹 xiang zhe feng yong bao cai hong 
Embrace the rainbow toward the wind 

勇敢的向前走 yong gan de xiang qian zou
Walk forward bravely 

黎明的那道光 li ming de na dao guang
The light of Dawn 

會越過黑暗 hui yue guo hei an
Will pass over the darkness. 

打破一切恐懼我能 da po yi qie kong ju wo neng
Break all fear I can 

找到答案 zhao dao da an
Find out the answer. 

哪怕要逆著光 na pa yao ni zhe guang
Even if it is against the light 

就驅散黑暗 jiu qu san hei an
And the darkness will be gone. 

丟棄所有的負擔 diu qi suo you de fu dan
Drop all the burden 

不再孤單 bu zai gu dan
No longer alone 

不再孤單 bu zai gu dan
No longer alone 

黎明的那道光 li ming de na dao guang
The light of Dawn 

會越過黑暗 hui yue guo hei an
Will pass over the darkness. 

打破一切恐懼我能 da po yi qie kong ju wo neng
Break all fear I can 

找到答案 zhao dao da an
Find out the answer 

哪怕要逆著光 na pa yao ni zhe guang 
Even if it is against the light 

就驅散黑暗 jiu qu san hei an
And the darkness will be gone. 

有一萬種的力量 you yi wan zhong de li liang
There are ten thousand kinds of power. 

淹沒孤單 yan mei gu dan
Drown alone 

不再孤單 bu zai gu dan
No longer alone