February 15, 2021

Ohh My Fridge

We purchased this fridge approximately 13 years ago when we moved into our current home.
We bought a small fridge because we know the bigger the fridge, the more garbage we going to store.  

Panasonic - RM950 +
Can you see Emmett’s artwork on the fridge?

For the past 11 years, our fridge has been incredibly reliable, never experiencing any breakdowns. However, it chose last weekend to give up on us.

The worst part was that it died on Chinese New Year's Eve.  Where la to find a shop that can deliver at that time?  That night we transferred all our frozen meat to my sister's house.  We just did you stock up since we know most shops will be closed for CNY.

So that's how we spent our CNY weekend this year, looking for a new fridge.

Emmett said: Buy online la Mummy.
Son, not all things are more convenient online.

On the 1st day of CNY, we checked around which shop was open on that day. Harvey Norman is the only shop we can find, so to Vivacity Mall, we went.  After looking around and deciding on a fridge, the sales girl told us that their warehouse only opens on 16th Feb, that's when they can deliver.  What?! 5 days from now? No, we did not get the fridge from Harvey Norman.

On the 2nd day of CNY, we checked, SenQ is open, so we went to Aeon Mall. So many people, we hardly find a parking space, I decided to just stay in the car, not going to brave the crowd.  Hubby went in and after awhile came out saying that SenQ can only deliver on Monday.  Off we go again.

On the 3rd day of CNY, Siong How is open, so we went to the MJC branch.  They said if we get a small fridge they can deliver on that day using their staff transport.  Ok, small size it is.  

So here's our new fridge, Toshiba, similar size to our previous Panasonic.

Price RM1300 +


  1. What a time for fridge to die off!!!! I feel you, my fridge was faulty twice and the trouble of transferring stuff to other places. Not a good experience.

    At least you got a fridge. Can get another one next time.

    As for me, planning to get a new fridge. My current fridge been around for almost 10 years but broke down twice. I bought a freezer last year (also due to hubby's fishing trip which require seperate and bigger freezer to keep bigger fishes) , we dont want to risk the fridge broke down on us the 3rd time!!! *touch wood*

  2. Hi Rose, was thinking of getting a deep freezer too. Imagine all the frozen food that you can store in there. You can even store bread, and cook meals in advance. Ohh well, we’ll see.
