June 19, 2021

Spring-Summer Fruits in Hokkaido

We were in Hokkaido from end of May to Early June 2019.  It was late Spring season in Hokkaido.

Let’s talk about fruits in Hokkaido.  Here are some of the local fruits that we get to taste while we were there.

Sweet corn, I read that you have to taste Hokkaido sweet corns, so here we go..

Yes, it was sweet, but I am not that impressed, we can get something close to this taste here in Kuching. Just make sure you get the really fresh American sweet corn from the market, and the way you cook it also matters. So Hokkaido sweet corn - checked.

385jpy for this half Tohkibi, Hokkaido famous sweet corn. It’s about RM15.

Jangan sik cuba jak.

Next are cherries and peaches.

Cherries, of coz they were good. Firm, sweet and juicy.

Peaches, yes, very tasty, I think I have talked about Japanese peaches in my Kyoto-Osaka posts.

And last but not least, the must-try famous Hokkaido melon.

OMG, I am so amazed. The texture is almost like a pudding. You can use a plastic spoon to scoop it while eating. So juicy. Seriously the best fruit I ever tasted.  Taking over from peach title 😆

So yeah, if you ever go to Hokkaido, make sure to have these melons.

Yubari melon, 400jpy for this 1 slice. Worth every penny. 😋 Japanese melons are often associated with Hokkaido, particularly the town of Yubari. Yubari melons are among the most highly valued in the country.

At a Japanese auction in 2008, two Yubari King melons sold together for ¥2.5 million.  In 2016, Konishi Seika, a fruit and vegetable market in Amagasaki, bought a pair of Yubari King melons at auction with a winning bid of ¥3 million.  In 2019 Tokyo-based Pokka Sapporo Food & Beverage Ltd bought a pair of Yubari melons at auction for the highest recorded price of ¥5 million.


  1. I remember eating their famous sweet melons during the Sapporo Snow Festival. The best in the world, I would say. I also enjoyed their 6 flavoured ice creams. Yumssss!

  2. Yes, the sweet melon is really unforgettable, so good.
