October 4, 2021

Sarawak Domestic Tourism SOPs at of 1st Oct 2021

Pasti ramai yang dah tak sabar nak keluar dari rumah masing-masing kan?

Ye, Sarawak Domestic Tourism dah dibuka, tapi masih perlukan Polis Permit, even for the inter-district travel.  Saya sertakan SOPs di bawah.  SOP ini dikeluarkan oleh mtac.sarawak.gov.my

Saya rasa kalau nak travel dalam district sendiri ok la kot, at least tak payah nak mintak Polis Permit bagai.

Personally, for the time being, I would consider going for a family road trip, but I'll try to avoid a flight trip for leisure purposes.

But it is all up to your own choice. Yang pasti, make sure jaga diri k.

Disclaimer: This SOP might change from time to time, kindly do your own research to find out the latest SOP available.



  1. I also would prefer a road trip for safety and less crowd. I will go camping in the hutan nearby. Enjoy your family trip.

  2. Not going anywhere yet. Maybe to the beach soon.
