April 11, 2022

Red Palm Tree

I have been toying with the idea of doing some re-landscaping on our mini front yard.

In order to do the makeover, this red palm tree has to go.  Plus I think that this palm tree looks a bit outdated, you know, plants also like fashion, they have their seasons.

Last weekend we attended the Palm Sunday Mass.  Since MCO, we were encouraged to bring our own palm, and we harvest ours from this red palm tree.  This red palm tree is where we got our palm supply for the past 3 years ever since the MCO.  Normally the parishioners will gotong-royong go and collect the palm, typically a Sago Palm.  However, MCO changes everything.

During the Mass, the Father said, "Thank you for bringing your own palm from home, be it a red palm, yellow palm, or even a coconut palm.  If you don't have any, you can start planting tomorrow."

We laughed at his jokes, but in my heart, I knew that our palm tree is not going anywhere for now.


  1. Do you know that the red palm trees are popular with feng shui believers as it could attract wealth? I have seen many homes of wealthy people and tycoons with red palm trees at the front of the house like yours. Hey, it has no season if money comes rolling in. Keep them!

  2. Ohhhh that’s a new one, and a really good reason to keep the tree. Ok, I am convinced 😆
