May 15, 2022

Medical checkup, blood test and brain scan

I did another round of blood test this year. Last year I skipped.  The headache is back, so it is time for another doctor visit.

On Thursday, I took a day off and went for my medical checkup.  There were so many people, after waited about 20min, I was called in, a lady Doctor (Dr Catherine) attended me.  I explained about my headaches and shortness of breath.  After asking if I had covid before, which I informed her that I never got it, then ahe advised me to take blood test and do brain scan.  I did both.

After taking my blood and did the scan, I went home and wait for their call.

On the way home, I stopped at a coffe shop and had a heavy breakfast at 11am. I was so hungry.

At 4pm I received the call to collect my test result, was told that I can go anytime since the hospital is open 24 hours. This is one of the thing I like most about Borneo Medical Centre. 

I went there at 7pm to collect my result.  This time I was attended by a male doctor.  He informed that my heamoglobin count was too low, at 8.1.  But the good news is that my brain scan is clear, no signs of tumor, and my sugar and cholesterol level both are ok.

The doctor also advised my to take Thalasetamia study. Which I might in another few months.  I dont want to draw more blood on that same day.

Here’s my medication pills.  The doctor advised to take the iron pill 2 days in a row and skip 1 day, continue in that cycle.  The folic acid can be taken daily. Either take it in the morning or at night after meal.

I take it at night after dinner, I’ve tried iron pill before in 2019 ands 2020 but it makes me nauseous.  This time I have taken it for 2 nights, so far so good. Shortness of breath especially after going up (1 tangga je) is not noticeable, that’s huge for me.

Fingers closed, My heamoglobin level will be back to normal soon 🙏

My last blood test was in Oct 2020, and the previous one in 2019.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to you and please stay healthy always. I learnt that blood tests often could not detect many things including cancer. The best is Pet Scan that might help 90% to detect anything. It costs over RM2000 in KL for this advanced scan...
