December 11, 2022


 Last week, my home-baker neighbour gave me something that looked like a big muffin but with a light texture.

I didn’t know what it was. I brought it to office the next morning for my breakfast.

Surprisingly, it was so tasty, fluffy, a little lemony flavour. It was so good.

I had long and busy days that week and I forgot to thank her for the ‘bread’. Though I did thank her that night, that was before I tasted the bread.

So came the weekend and I texted to thank her, and then only she told me that it is called Panettone.  It cost more than RM100 for that 1 big muffin, and it took her 1 week to make it.

I was like…. What???!!!

Ok, so sakai of me, this was the 1st time I heard of Panettone, but at least I recognised good food when I had one 😅

Thank you neighbour for giving me a taste of Milan 🤗

*photo taken after I took 1 bite and was surprised of how tasty it was. Nasib baik ada tanggap gambar.

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